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Expert guide for keeping your pre-lit Christmas tree in good condition throughout the season

Expert guide for keeping your pre-lit Christmas tree in good condition throughout the season

The day after Christmas is the hardest since you have to put away the tree and decorations. Regardless, putting up the Christmas tree and decorations for the first time is one of the most exciting parts of the holiday season.

Looking to keep your tree looking green all year long? Here’s your luck!

Below are several ways to prolong the life of your pre-lit Christmas tree:

Disconnect it from the wall socket every night before bed.

You should hide it somewhere overnight where it won’t be trampled on by a pet or a youngster, such a closet or beneath a table. If you don’t have a cordless alarm clock or some other way to ensure that the lights are on when you wake up in the morning, a timer is a great alternative.

If you have more than one set of lights on your artificial tree, it’s best to put it near an outlet rather than across the room from one.

Refrain from using lights older than a year.

Each set of lights may be used for around a thousand hours before they begin to flicker. Leaving them on constantly or getting them mixed up with other decorations may cause them to burn out much more quickly. To extend the life of your strands, replace them annually with fresh ones.

Keep trees far from fireplaces and radiators.

Don’t put your tree near any radiators or fires. Lights that have been damaged by the heat will not shine as brightly, diminishing the tree’s holiday appeal.

A consistent watering schedule

No matter how realistic they are, even artificial trees need watering. The Christmas tree loses its festiveness if the needles dry out and fall off because of a lack of water. The frequency of watering should be specified by the manufacturer. Without further direction, it seems reasonable to water once every week or so till Christmas.

Water the tree’s base to a depth of at least an inch if you’re using a tree stand. If you don’t have a tree stand, you can protect the trunk from drying out by putting it in a bucket or tub of water.

Check the lights, and check again!

The majority of pre-lit artificial Christmas trees include lights that must be plugged into an electrical outlet before they can be used. These lights, unfortunately, can burn out over time and will need to be replaced before the following holiday season. So that you can enjoy your tree without fearing that it will go black midway through December, most manufacturers recommend replacing burned out bulbs soon after seeing them.

Disassemble just what must be disassembled

Although it may be tempting to turn off your tree’s lights for the season, doing so will make it impossible to turn them back on next year. All those plastic pieces will only take up room in a box until next Christmas unless you plan on tossing them away (which we highly advise against).