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Embracing Red With 15 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees

golden bulb balls

One of the big colors of Christmas is red. Many people love the color red for any time, they wear it, they love decorating in it, and the like. So it makes sense that for your 15 foot artificial Christmas trees that you embrace the red! For those who are embracing red, then we have a few tips that is going to make this work great!

Why 15 Foot Artificial Christmas Trees are Taking over the Holidays

1. Consider going with various different shades of red. This does not mean that you have to use the pink variation of red. But, you can opt for bright reds, burgundy, maroon, etc. With the various shades it is going to create a more rich look with your 15 foot artificial Christmas trees.

2. Pay attention to the textures. Textures can make all the difference when you are decorating in just various shades of red and not using any other color. You will find that the textures help the lights to play off the ornaments differently, which changes the look of your 15 foot artificial Christmas trees.

3. Go with the different shapes that you can find. Don’t just focus on red bulb ornaments. Consider getting garland in these colors, or even getting flowers that you can add to the tree in the red color.

4. Let the topper be red as well if you really want to embrace this red color. You will find that with 15 foot artificial Christmas trees you may not need a topper, but you can always use this if you want to.

Overall, the color red is such a dramatic color that is really associated with Christmas. So, it makes sense to use this throughout your 15 foot artificial Christmas trees. Remember, you can always opt to put a neutral color if you want to break up the red a bit!